Car Care & Rides for residents of the Dassel-Cokato area
Car Repair is expensive! It's even more costly to replace a car or get a vehicle in the first place. And there are times when we just need help getting to work, whether that means a ride or a few gallons of gas. Here are some resources in our area that may help.
- Good Shepherd Free Lutheran Church provides free oil changes for widows and single mothers. Contact Good Shepherd church to find out when this service will be offered next: 320-286-2861.
- Crossroads will be glad to help you find rides or get other help with your car situation. The help may not be available quickly, but we will help. We can often help with a few gallons of gas so you can get to work on a one time basis. Other area churches may help you too!
- Don't forget to check with Trailblazer Transit (Cokato Area) and Meeker County Public Transit (Dassel Area). Both provide transportation to people of all ages.
- We encourage you to pray, and let others know about your situation so they can pray too. As we pray with others we connect with God and with the wider community of believers. God often helps through others--but remember He often provides help in ways known only to God Himself.
Car Care & Rides page edited 30 March 2015